Transformational Coaching for Organizations and Teams

Establishing a coaching culture in your organization is foundational to connecting leaders, emerging leaders and team members through a common shared language of engagement, problem-solving and capacity building. Once firmly embedded in their practice, leaders who model a collective commitment to the coaching approach find broader organizational priorities and strategic initiatives emerge with greater clarity. And thus the good and intentional objectives of the organization are understood and achievable

Our Approach:

We work with teams committed to developing their skills as leaders and decision-makers for their community. Over a period of 6-12 months, we support your organization to identify and move forward with goals and objectives, deepen understanding and skill, and have fun working with each other along the way.

Our Process:

We seek to develop the skills of your team through both group sessions and one-on-one coaching. We want to work with you to develop the process that would work best for your organization. Below, we offer two sample plans:

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Live empowered.

Sample Project #1: Senior Leadership Team Development

Full day workshop in August with the Senior Leadership Team to set the priorities and focus for team engagement. Sessions could include:

  • Creating a coaching culture

  • Embedding a powerful feedback model

  • Strategic priority setting exercise

  • Designing a professional growth strategy (could include assessment tools such as MBTI, FIRO-B, 360, TypeCoach)

  • Navigating conflict and difficult conversations

 In January, we return for a half day workshop with the Senior Leadership Team to reflect on progress and set goals for the remainder of the year. We also spend a half-day with specific departmental work. 

 In May, we create a half day workshop with the Senior Leadership Team focused on looking ahead to the next year and identifying skills to be strengthened.

 Throughout the year, there would be hourly coaching each month for members of your Senior Leadership Team and mid-level leaders. Additional hours of coaching could be made available to support emerging leaders who want to improve their practice through observation and feedback. 


Connect through clarity and compassion.

Sample Project #2: Change Management

We start by spending one and a half days with the mid or senior level team that is poised to lead a significant change process within your organization. 

To support the process, we would offer two half-day or one full-day sessions on topics such as,

  • Working through challenging situations that have arisen (e.g. reluctant colleagues, structural/system difficulties, unanticipated obstacles)

  • Conflict management

  • Creating an organization-wide culture of feedback to support growth and change

  • Designing a professional growth strategy (could include assessment tools such as MBTI, FIRO-B, 360, TypeCoach)

 We would also offer individual coaching with each member of the team to support their work leading through change.

Y/Our Investment:

Elarton Point Strategies considers your investment our investment. We are happy to discuss your needs and resources as part of the conversation about our shared work together. 

The sample processes above include 2.5 full day workshops (or equivalent combination of full and half-day workshops) and 25 hours of individual or group/team coaching. 

Our basic fee structure for Transformation Coaching engagement is as follows:

  • 2.5 Full Day Workshops (or equivalent combination of full and half-day workshops)

  • 25 hours of individual or group/team coaching

·       Additional coaching hours available at a per hour rate

·       *Travel and accommodation expenses will be billed separately*


Clinical Counselling


Young Professionals and Strategic Conversations