Program Development for Organizations, Teams, and Schools

There are times when teams, departments or program leaders simply get stuck along the way of their journey towards achieving objectives, designing new initiatives, or implementing specific strategic priorities. These are common challenges for ambitious and forward-thinking organizations. 

You may have a program concept, but are unclear how to design and then implement the changes necessary to see the program fully developed. You may have identified an emerging strategy that requires additional leadership or community engagement in order to help clarify your next steps, deliverables and measures of success. You may have a single but insistent challenge that has been creating a roadblock for you and your leadership team. 

Elarton Point Strategies works with organizations seeking to address one or more strategic, team or program development challenges by providing an external lens and facilitating a problem-solving, transition management process. 

Our Approach

Our approach to Program and Strategic Priorities Development is to engage with groups and teams to understand the roadblocks, establish the highest needs, and explore the most compelling solutions that will lead to ongoing progress for your team, programmatic goals, and strategic outcomes. 

Our Process

Our process is inclusive and collaborative. Broad, intentional engagement ensures a shared pathway for a clear, bold, and achievable future. 

The following outlines the our process:

1.     Inquiry – Consultation with your leadership to determine your organizational intentions, needs and desired outcomes. 

2. Collaboration – In partnership with your key internal team, collaborate to identify the current challenge or to design a programmatic change.

3. Internal/Organizational Scan – Review your existing priorities, vision, mission and values, SWOT analysis and all other data collected, as these relate to the intentions, needs and desired outcomes.

4. Facilitated Problem-Solving – Using the data and input gathered, identify and test possible solutions, resource needs, program design elements and outcomes. Work with your team and key stakeholders to design an implementation strategy that includes communication, transition management, and indicators of success.

5. Ongoing support – Elarton Point Strategies will provide ongoing support in the form of conversations and progress assessment where it is most required.

Y/Our Investment:

Elarton Point Strategies considers your investment our investment. We are happy to discuss your needs and resources as part of the conversation about our shared work together. 


Young Professionals and Strategic Conversations